--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (assembler)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:export (assemble get-label-positions get-relocation-table))
+(define label-positions (make-hash-table))
+(define relocation-table '())
+(define current-position #x1000)
+(define (register->code reg)
+ (let ((reg-sym (cond
+ ((symbol? reg) reg)
+ ((string? reg) (string->symbol reg))
+ ((list? reg) (car reg))
+ (else (error "Invalid register type" reg)))))
+ (case reg-sym
+ ((rax eax) 0)
+ ((rcx ecx) 1)
+ ((rdx edx) 2)
+ ((rbx ebx) 3)
+ ((rsp esp) 4)
+ ((rbp ebp) 5)
+ ((rsi esi) 6)
+ ((rdi edi) 7)
+ ((r8 r8d) 0)
+ ((r9 r9d) 1)
+ ((r10 r10d) 2)
+ ((r11 r11d) 3)
+ ((r12 r12d) 4)
+ ((r13 r13d) 5)
+ ((r14 r14d) 6)
+ ((r15 r15d) 7)
+ (else (error "Unknown register" reg-sym)))))
+(define (ymm-register->code reg)
+ (let ((reg-sym (cond
+ ((symbol? reg) reg)
+ ((string? reg) (string->symbol reg))
+ ((list? reg) (car reg))
+ (else (error "Invalid register type" reg)))))
+ (case reg-sym
+ ((ymm0) 0)
+ ((ymm1) 1)
+ ((ymm2) 2)
+ ((ymm3) 3)
+ (else (error "Unknown YMM register" reg-sym)))))
+(define (symbolic-reference? x)
+ (and (symbol? x)
+ (memq x '(buffer1 buffer2 result multiplier))))
+(define (add-relocation type symbol)
+ (set! relocation-table
+ (cons (list current-position type symbol) relocation-table)))
+(define (encode-push reg)
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #x55)))
+(define (encode-pop reg)
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #x5D)))
+(define (encode-test reg1 reg2)
+ (let ((reg1-code (register->code reg1))
+ (reg2-code (register->code reg2)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (list #x48 #x85 (logior #xC0 (ash reg2-code 3) reg1-code)))))
+(define (encode-mov dest src)
+ (cond
+ ((and (symbol? dest) (symbol? src))
+ (let ((dest-code (register->code dest))
+ (src-code (register->code src)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (list (if (or (>= dest-code 8) (>= src-code 8)) #x4C #x48)
+ #x89
+ (logior #xC0 (ash (if (>= src-code 8) (- src-code 8) src-code) 3)
+ (if (>= dest-code 8) (- dest-code 8) dest-code))))))
+ ((and (symbol? dest) (list? src))
+ (let ((dest-code (register->code dest))
+ (src-reg (car src)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (list (if (or (>= dest-code 8) (>= (register->code src-reg) 8)) #x4C #x48)
+ #x8B
+ (logior #x00 (ash (if (>= dest-code 8) (- dest-code 8) dest-code) 3)
+ (if (>= (register->code src-reg) 8) (- (register->code src-reg) 8) (register->code src-reg)))))))
+ ((and (eq? dest 'rbp) (eq? src 'rsp))
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #x48 #x89 #xE5)))
+ (else (error "Unsupported mov instruction" dest src))))
+(define (encode-mov-imm32 reg imm)
+ (let ((reg-code (register->code reg)))
+ (if (symbolic-reference? imm)
+ (begin
+ (add-relocation 'absolute imm)
+ (bytevector-append
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #x48 #xC7 (logior #xC0 reg-code)))
+ (make-bytevector 4 0)))
+ (bytevector-append
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #x48 #xC7 (logior #xC0 reg-code)))
+ (integer->bytevector imm 4)))))
+(define (encode-add dest src)
+ (let ((dest-code (register->code dest))
+ (src-code (register->code src)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #x48 #x01 (logior #xC0 (ash src-code 3) dest-code)))))
+(define (encode-xor dest src)
+ (let ((dest-code (register->code dest))
+ (src-code (register->code src)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #x48 #x31 (logior #xC0 (ash src-code 3) dest-code)))))
+(define (encode-syscall)
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #x0F #x05)))
+(define (encode-vmovaps dest src)
+ (cond
+ ;; Case 1: Destination is a single-element list (memory operand)
+ ((and (list? dest) (= (length dest) 1))
+ (let ((dest-reg (car dest))
+ (src-code (ymm-register->code src)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (list #xC5 #xFC #x28
+ (logior #x00
+ (ash src-code 3)
+ (if (>= (register->code dest-reg) 8)
+ (- (register->code dest-reg) 8)
+ (register->code dest-reg)))))))
+ ;; Case 2: Source is a single-element list (memory operand)
+ ((and (list? src) (= (length src) 1))
+ (let ((dest-code (ymm-register->code dest))
+ (src-reg (car src)))
+ (if (symbolic-reference? src-reg)
+ (begin
+ (add-relocation 'rip-relative src-reg)
+ (bytevector-append
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #xC5 #xFC #x29 #x05))
+ (make-bytevector 4 0)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (list #xC5 #xFC #x29
+ (logior #x00
+ (ash dest-code 3)
+ (if (>= (register->code src-reg) 8)
+ (- (register->code src-reg) 8)
+ (register->code src-reg))))))))
+ ;; Case 3: Both operands are registers
+ ((and (symbol? dest) (symbol? src))
+ (let ((dest-code (ymm-register->code dest))
+ (src-code (ymm-register->code src)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #xC5 #xFC #x28 (logior #xC0 (ash src-code 3) dest-code)))))
+ ;; Error case: Invalid operands
+ (else (error "Invalid operands for vmovaps" dest src))))
+(define (encode-vaddps dest src1 src2)
+ (let ((dest-code (ymm-register->code dest))
+ (src1-code (ymm-register->code src1))
+ (src2-code (ymm-register->code src2)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (list #xC5
+ (logxor #xFC (ash src1-code 3))
+ #x58
+ (logior #xC0 (ash src2-code 3) dest-code)))))
+(define (encode-vfmadd132ps dest src1 src2)
+ (let ((dest-code (ymm-register->code dest))
+ (src1-code (ymm-register->code src1))
+ (src2-code (ymm-register->code src2)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (list #xC4
+ (logxor #xE2 (ash (logand src2-code #x08) 1))
+ (logxor #x7D (ash (logand src1-code #x0F) 3))
+ #x98
+ (logior #xC0 (ash (logand src2-code #x07) 3) dest-code)))))
+(define (encode-vxorps dest src1 src2)
+ (let ((dest-code (ymm-register->code dest))
+ (src1-code (ymm-register->code src1))
+ (src2-code (ymm-register->code src2)))
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #xC5 #xF4 #x57 (logior #xC0 (ash src2-code 3) dest-code)))))
+(define (encode-mod-rm-sib mod-rm reg rm)
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (list (logior (ash mod-rm 6)
+ (ash (if (number? reg) reg (register->code reg)) 3)
+ (if (number? rm) rm (register->code rm))))))
+(define (encode-lea instruction)
+ (match instruction
+ (('lea dest ('rip label))
+ (let* ((opcode #x8D)
+ (rex-prefix (if (>= (register->code dest) 8) #x4C #x48))
+ (reg-code (if (>= (register->code dest) 8)
+ (- (register->code dest) 8)
+ (register->code dest)))
+ (displacement 0))
+ (add-relocation 'rip-relative label)
+ (bytevector-append
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list rex-prefix opcode))
+ (encode-mod-rm-sib 0 reg-code 5)
+ (integer->bytevector displacement 4))))
+ (('lea dest ('rip (? (lambda (x) (string-suffix? "@GOTPCREL" (symbol->string x))) label)))
+ (let* ((opcode #x8D)
+ (rex-prefix (if (>= (register->code dest) 8) #x4C #x48))
+ (reg-code (if (>= (register->code dest) 8)
+ (- (register->code dest) 8)
+ (register->code dest)))
+ (displacement 0))
+ (add-relocation 'got-pcrel label)
+ (bytevector-append
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list rex-prefix opcode))
+ (encode-mod-rm-sib 0 reg-code 5)
+ (integer->bytevector displacement 4))))
+ (_ (error "Unsupported lea instruction" instruction))))
+(define (encode-ret)
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #xC3)))
+(define (encode-jz label)
+ (add-relocation 'relative label)
+ (u8-list->bytevector (list #x74 #x00)))
+(define (encode-instruction inst)
+ (let ((encoded (match inst
+ (('label name) '())
+ (('mov dest src) (encode-mov dest src))
+ (('mov.imm32 reg imm) (encode-mov-imm32 reg imm))
+ (('add dest src) (encode-add dest src))
+ (('xor dest src) (encode-xor dest src))
+ (('syscall) (encode-syscall))
+ (('vmovaps dest src) (encode-vmovaps dest src))
+ (('vaddps dest src1 src2) (encode-vaddps dest src1 src2))
+ (('vfmadd132ps dest src1 src2) (encode-vfmadd132ps dest src1 src2))
+ (('vxorps dest src1 src2) (encode-vxorps dest src1 src2))
+ (('lea dest src) (encode-lea inst))
+ (('push reg) (encode-push reg))
+ (('pop reg) (encode-pop reg))
+ (('ret) (encode-ret))
+ (('test reg1 reg2) (encode-test reg1 reg2))
+ (('jz label) (encode-jz label))
+ (_ (error "Unsupported instruction" inst)))))
+ (when (bytevector? encoded)
+ (set! current-position (+ current-position (bytevector-length encoded))))
+ encoded))
+(define (bytevector-append . bvs)
+ (let* ((total-length (apply + (map bytevector-length bvs)))
+ (result (make-bytevector total-length 0))
+ (offset 0))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (bv)
+ (let ((len (bytevector-length bv)))
+ (bytevector-copy! bv 0 result offset len)
+ (set! offset (+ offset len))))
+ bvs)
+ result))
+(define (integer->bytevector n size)
+ (let ((bv (make-bytevector size 0)))
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((= i size) bv)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bv i (logand (ash n (* -8 i)) #xFF)))))
+(define (assemble instructions)
+ (hash-clear! label-positions)
+ (set! relocation-table '())
+ (set! current-position #x1000)
+ ;; First pass: collect label positions
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (inst)
+ (when (eq? (car inst) 'label)
+ (hash-set! label-positions (cadr inst) current-position))
+ (encode-instruction inst))
+ instructions)
+ ;; Second pass: generate code with relocations
+ (set! current-position #x1000)
+ (let ((encoded-instructions
+ (filter bytevector? (map encode-instruction instructions))))
+ (values
+ (apply bytevector-append encoded-instructions)
+ (reverse relocation-table))))
+(define (get-label-positions)
+ label-positions)
+(define (get-relocation-table)
+ relocation-table)
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (config)
+ #:export (
+ ;; ELF Header Constants
+ elf-header-size
+ code-offset
+ alignment
+ elf-magic
+ elf-class-64
+ elf-data-lsb
+ elf-version-current
+ elf-osabi-linux
+ elf-type-shared
+ elf-machine-x86-64
+ ;; Section Header Constants
+ section-header-size
+ num-sections
+ shstrtab-index
+ sht-null
+ sht-progbits
+ sht-symtab
+ sht-strtab
+ sht-rela
+ sht-dynamic
+ sht-nobits
+ sht-dynsym
+ sht-hash
+ sht-note
+ shf-write
+ shf-alloc
+ shf-execinstr
+ ;; Program Header Constants
+ program-header-size
+ num-program-headers
+ pt-load
+ pt-note
+ pt-dynamic
+ pt-phdr
+ pt-gnu-relro
+ pf-x
+ pf-w
+ pf-r
+ ;; Other Constants
+ dynamic-entry-size
+ num-dynamic-entries
+ got-entry-size
+ text-addr
+ shstrtab-addr
+ shstrtab-size
+ section-offset
+ ;; Elf Layout Constants
+ word-size
+ double-word-size
+ plt-entry-size
+ ))
+;; ELF Header Constants
+(define elf-header-size 64)
+(define code-offset #x1000)
+(define alignment #x1000)
+(define elf-magic #x464c457f)
+(define elf-class-64 2)
+(define elf-data-lsb 1)
+(define elf-version-current 1)
+(define elf-osabi-linux 3)
+(define elf-type-shared 3)
+(define elf-machine-x86-64 #x3e)
+;; Section Header Constants
+(define section-header-size 64)
+(define num-sections 15)
+(define shstrtab-index 14)
+(define sht-null 0)
+(define sht-progbits 1)
+(define sht-symtab 2)
+(define sht-strtab 3)
+(define sht-rela 4)
+(define sht-hash 5)
+(define sht-dynamic 6)
+(define sht-note 7)
+(define sht-nobits 8)
+(define sht-dynsym 11)
+(define shf-write #x1)
+(define shf-alloc #x2)
+(define shf-execinstr #x4)
+;; Program Header Constants
+(define program-header-size 56)
+(define num-program-headers 5)
+(define pt-load 1)
+(define pt-dynamic 2)
+(define pt-note 4)
+(define pt-phdr 6)
+(define pt-gnu-relro #x6474e552)
+(define pf-x #b001)
+(define pf-w #b010)
+(define pf-r #b100)
+;; Other Constants
+(define dynamic-entry-size 16)
+(define num-dynamic-entries 9)
+(define got-entry-size 8)
+(define text-addr #x1000)
+(define shstrtab-addr #x3f94)
+(define shstrtab-size 108)
+(define section-offset #x2000)
+;; Elf Layout Constants
+;; Constants for alignment and sizes
+(define word-size 8)
+(define double-word-size 16)
+(define plt-entry-size 16)
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (data-section)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:export (create-data-section))
+(define (create-data-section data-sections)
+ (let* ((total-size (apply + (map (lambda (section) (bytevector-length (cdr section))) data-sections)))
+ (data-section (make-bytevector total-size 0))
+ (current-offset 0))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (section)
+ (let* ((name (car section))
+ (data (cdr section))
+ (size (bytevector-length data)))
+ (bytevector-copy! data 0 data-section current-offset size)
+ (set! current-offset (+ current-offset size))))
+ data-sections)
+ data-section))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (dynamic-section)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (rnrs io simple)
+ #:export (create-dynamic-section))
+;; Constants for dynamic section entry tags
+(define DT_NULL 0)
+(define DT_PLTGOT 3)
+(define DT_HASH 4)
+(define DT_STRTAB 5)
+(define DT_SYMTAB 6)
+(define DT_RELA 7)
+(define DT_RELASZ 8)
+(define DT_RELAENT 9)
+(define DT_STRSZ 10)
+(define DT_SYMENT 11)
+(define DT_INIT 12)
+(define DT_FINI 13)
+(define DT_JMPREL 23)
+(define DT_PLTRELSZ 2)
+(define DT_PLTREL 20)
+(define DT_VERSYM #x6ffffff0)
+(define DT_VERDEF #x6ffffffc)
+(define DT_VERDEFNUM #x6ffffffd)
+;; Constants for sizes and offsets
+(define ENTRY_SIZE 16)
+(define VALUE_OFFSET 8)
+(define SYMENT_SIZE 24)
+(define RELAENT_SIZE 24)
+;; Helper function to set a dynamic section entry
+(define (set-dynamic-entry! section index tag value)
+ (let ((offset (* index ENTRY_SIZE)))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! section offset tag (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! section (+ offset VALUE_OFFSET) value (endianness little))))
+(define (add-padding-to-align section size desired-size)
+ (let ((padding (- desired-size size)))
+ (if (> padding 0)
+ (let ((padded-section (make-bytevector (+ size padding) 0)))
+ ;; Copy original section to the padded section
+ (bytevector-copy! section 0 padded-section 0 size)
+ padded-section)
+ section)))
+(define (create-dynamic-section
+ dynstr-offset dynsym-offset strtab-size dynsym-size
+ rela-offset rela-size got-offset hash-offset
+ gnu-version-offset gnu-version-d-offset gnu-version-d-size
+ plt-offset plt-size jmprel-offset jmprel-size got-plt-offset)
+ (let* ((num-entries 9) ;; Adjusted for the new number of entries
+ (section-size (* num-entries ENTRY_SIZE)) ;; Initial section size
+ (section (make-bytevector section-size 0))
+ (final-size #xE0)) ;; Desired size with padding (0xE0 in hex)
+ (set-dynamic-entry! section 0 DT_HASH hash-offset)
+ (set-dynamic-entry! section 1 DT_STRTAB dynstr-offset)
+ (set-dynamic-entry! section 2 DT_SYMTAB dynsym-offset)
+ (set-dynamic-entry! section 3 DT_STRSZ strtab-size)
+ (set-dynamic-entry! section 4 DT_SYMENT SYMENT_SIZE)
+ (set-dynamic-entry! section 5 DT_RELA rela-offset)
+ (set-dynamic-entry! section 6 DT_RELASZ rela-size)
+ (set-dynamic-entry! section 7 DT_RELAENT RELAENT_SIZE)
+ (set-dynamic-entry! section 8 DT_NULL 0)
+ ;; Add padding to align the section to the final size (0xE0)
+ (add-padding-to-align section section-size final-size)))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (elf-dynamic-calculator)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:export (calculate-entry-point
+ calculate-code-offset
+ calculate-num-sections
+ calculate-shstrtab-index
+ calculate-num-program-headers
+ calculate-shstrtab-addr
+ calculate-shstrtab-size
+ calculate-section-offset
+ calculate-text-section-offset))
+(define (calculate-text-section-offset elf-header-size program-headers-size)
+ "Calculate the offset of the .text section from the start of the file."
+ (+ elf-header-size program-headers-size))
+(define (calculate-entry-point text-addr text-section-offset)
+ "Calculate the entry point based on the text address and offset within the .text section."
+ text-addr)
+(define (calculate-code-offset elf-header-size program-headers)
+ "Calculate the code offset based on the size of the ELF header and program headers."
+ (+ elf-header-size (* (length program-headers) 56))) ; 56 is the size of a program header
+(define (calculate-num-sections sections)
+ "Calculate the number of sections based on the actual sections in the ELF file."
+ (length sections))
+(define (calculate-shstrtab-index sections)
+ "Calculate the index of the section header string table."
+ (let ((shstrtab-section (find (lambda (section) (eq? (car section) '.shstrtab)) sections)))
+ (if shstrtab-section
+ (list-index (lambda (section) (eq? section shstrtab-section)) sections)
+ (error "Section header string table not found"))))
+(define (calculate-num-program-headers program-headers)
+ "Calculate the number of program headers."
+ (length program-headers))
+(define (calculate-shstrtab-addr file-layout)
+ "Calculate the address of the section header string table based on the file layout."
+ (let ((shstrtab-section (assoc '.shstrtab file-layout)))
+ (if shstrtab-section
+ (cdr shstrtab-section)
+ (error "Section header string table not found in file layout"))))
+(define (calculate-shstrtab-size shstrtab-content)
+ "Calculate the size of the section header string table."
+ (bytevector-length shstrtab-content))
+(define (calculate-section-offset elf-header-size program-headers alignment)
+ "Calculate the section offset based on the size of the ELF header, program headers, and alignment."
+ (let ((total-header-size (+ elf-header-size (* (length program-headers) 56))))
+ (align-to alignment total-header-size)))
+(define (align-to alignment value)
+ "Align a value to the specified alignment."
+ (let ((remainder (modulo value alignment)))
+ (if (zero? remainder)
+ value
+ (+ value (- alignment remainder)))))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (elf-header)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (config)
+ #:export (create-elf-header))
+;; ELF Header structure
+(define-record-type <elf-header>
+ (make-elf-header entry-point ph-offset ph-size sh-offset ph-count sh-count
+ total-size shstrtab-index hash-offset hash-size)
+ elf-header?
+ (entry-point elf-header-entry-point)
+ (ph-offset elf-header-ph-offset)
+ (ph-size elf-header-ph-size)
+ (sh-offset elf-header-sh-offset)
+ (ph-count elf-header-ph-count)
+ (sh-count elf-header-sh-count)
+ (total-size elf-header-total-size)
+ (shstrtab-index elf-header-shstrtab-index)
+ (hash-offset elf-header-hash-offset)
+ (hash-size elf-header-hash-size))
+(define (create-elf-header entry-point program-headers-offset program-headers-size
+ section-headers-offset num-program-headers num-sections
+ total-size shstrtab-index hash-offset hash-size)
+ (let ((header (make-elf-header
+ (max entry-point #x1000)
+ program-headers-offset
+ program-headers-size
+ section-headers-offset
+ num-program-headers
+ num-sections
+ total-size
+ shstrtab-index
+ hash-offset
+ hash-size)))
+ (elf-header->bytevector header)))
+(define (elf-header->bytevector header)
+ (let ((bv (make-bytevector elf-header-size 0)))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! bv 0 elf-magic (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bv 4 elf-class-64)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bv 5 elf-data-lsb)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bv 6 elf-version-current)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bv 7 0) ; SYSV ABI
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bv 8 0) ; ABI version
+ (bytevector-u16-set! bv 16 elf-type-shared (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u16-set! bv 18 elf-machine-x86-64 (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! bv 20 elf-version-current (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv 24 (elf-header-entry-point header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv 32 (elf-header-ph-offset header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv 40 (elf-header-sh-offset header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! bv 48 0 (endianness little)) ; Flags
+ (bytevector-u16-set! bv 52 elf-header-size (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u16-set! bv 54 program-header-size (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u16-set! bv 56 (elf-header-ph-count header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u16-set! bv 58 section-header-size (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u16-set! bv 60 (elf-header-sh-count header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u16-set! bv 62 (elf-header-shstrtab-index header) (endianness little))
+ bv))
+;; Helper function to get hash section information
+(define (get-hash-section-info header)
+ (values (elf-header-hash-offset header)
+ (elf-header-hash-size header)))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (elf-layout-calculator)
+ #:use-module (config)
+ #:use-module (utils)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (symbol-table)
+ #:use-module (string-table)
+ #:use-module (relocation-table)
+ #:export (calculate-elf-layout
+ calculate-phdr-size
+ calculate-text-segment-size
+ calculate-text-segment-end
+ calculate-data-segment-start
+ calculate-data-segment-file-size
+ calculate-data-segment-mem-size
+ align-to
+ calculate-relro-size))
+(define (align-to value alignment)
+ (if (= (modulo value alignment) 0)
+ value
+ (+ value (- alignment (modulo value alignment)))))
+(define (align-up address alignment)
+ (let ((remainder (modulo address alignment)))
+ (if (zero? remainder)
+ address
+ (+ address (- alignment remainder)))))
+(define (calculate-code-offset elf-header-size program-headers-offset)
+ (let ((offset (align-to (+ elf-header-size program-headers-offset) alignment)))
+ offset))
+(define (calculate-phdr-size num-program-headers program-header-size)
+ (* num-program-headers program-header-size))
+(define (calculate-text-segment-size code-size rodata-size plt-size)
+ (+ code-size rodata-size plt-size))
+(define (calculate-text-segment-end text-addr text-segment-size)
+ (+ text-addr text-segment-size))
+(define (calculate-data-segment-start text-segment-end alignment)
+ (align-up text-segment-end alignment))
+(define (calculate-data-segment-file-size total-size data-segment-start)
+ (- total-size data-segment-start))
+(define (calculate-data-segment-mem-size data-segment-file-size bss-size)
+ (+ data-segment-file-size bss-size))
+(define (calculate-relro-size got-offset data-segment-start)
+ (- got-offset data-segment-start))
+(define (calculate-program-headers-offset)
+ elf-header-size)
+(define (calculate-code-size code)
+ (bytevector-length code))
+(define (calculate-rodata-size)
+ 0) ; You may need to implement this based on your actual data
+(define (calculate-bss-size)
+ 0) ; You may need to implement this based on your actual data
+(define (calculate-data-size data-sections)
+ (let ((total-size 0)
+ (entry-size 32)) ;; Assuming each entry is 32 bytes
+ (for-each (lambda (pair)
+ (let ((name (car pair)))
+ (set! total-size (+ total-size entry-size))
+ ))
+ data-sections)
+ total-size))
+(define (calculate-symtab-size symbol-addresses label-positions)
+ (let* ((symtab-and-strtab (create-symtab-and-strtab symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (size (bytevector-length (car symtab-and-strtab))))
+ size))
+(define (calculate-strtab-size symbol-addresses label-positions)
+ (let* ((symtab-and-strtab (create-symtab-and-strtab symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (size (bytevector-length (cdr symtab-and-strtab))))
+ size))
+(define (calculate-dynamic-symbol-table-size symbol-addresses)
+ (let* ((dynsym-and-dynstr (create-dynsym-and-dynstr symbol-addresses))
+ (size (bytevector-length (car dynsym-and-dynstr))))
+ size))
+(define (calculate-shstrtab-size)
+ (bytevector-length (create-section-header-string-table)))
+(define (calculate-relocation-table-size symbol-addresses)
+ (bytevector-length (create-relocation-table symbol-addresses)))
+(define (calculate-got-size symbol-addresses)
+ (let* ((num-symbols (length symbol-addresses)) ;; Number of symbols
+ (got-entry-size 8) ;; Assuming each GOT entry is 8 bytes
+ (calculated-size (* num-symbols got-entry-size))) ;; Final size
+ ;; Logging
+ calculated-size))
+(define (calculate-plt-size symbol-addresses)
+ (* (length symbol-addresses) plt-entry-size))
+(define (calculate-data-offset code-size rodata-size)
+ (align-to (+ code-offset code-size rodata-size) alignment))
+(define (calculate-dynamic-offset data-offset data-size)
+ (align-to (+ data-offset data-size) alignment))
+(define (calculate-dynamic-size)
+ (let* ((num-dynamic-entries 9) ;; Example number of entries
+ (dynamic-entry-size 16) ;; Each dynamic entry is 16 bytes
+ (target-size #xe0) ;; Target size to match after alignment
+ (calculated-size (* num-dynamic-entries dynamic-entry-size))
+ (padding (- target-size calculated-size)) ;; Calculate padding required
+ (total-size (+ calculated-size padding)) ;; Total size with padding
+ (hex-size (number->string total-size 16))) ;; Convert to hex for display
+ total-size))
+(define (calculate-dynsym-offset dynamic-offset dynamic-size)
+ (align-to (+ dynamic-offset dynamic-size) word-size))
+(define (calculate-dynstr-offset dynsym-offset dynamic-symbol-table-size)
+ (align-to (+ dynsym-offset dynamic-symbol-table-size) word-size))
+(define (calculate-rela-offset dynstr-offset strtab-size)
+ (align-to (+ dynstr-offset strtab-size) word-size))
+(define (calculate-got-offset rela-offset relocation-table-size)
+ (align-to (+ rela-offset relocation-table-size) word-size))
+(define (calculate-plt-offset got-offset got-size)
+ (align-to (+ got-offset got-size) double-word-size))
+(define (calculate-total-dynamic-size dynamic-offset dynamic-size got-offset got-size plt-offset plt-size bss-size alignment)
+ (let* ((last-offset (+ plt-offset plt-size))
+ (total-size (- last-offset dynamic-offset))
+ (aligned-size (align-up total-size alignment))
+ (total-size-with-bss (+ aligned-size bss-size)))
+ aligned-size))
+(define (calculate-section-headers-offset dynamic-offset total-dynamic-size)
+ (align-to (+ dynamic-offset total-dynamic-size) alignment))
+(define (calculate-hash-size symbol-addresses)
+ (let ((num-symbols (length symbol-addresses)))
+ (* 4 (+ 2 num-symbols)))) ; 2 for nbucket and nchain, then 4 bytes per symbol
+(define (calculate-hash-offset dynamic-offset dynamic-size)
+ (align-to (+ dynamic-offset dynamic-size) word-size))
+(define (calculate-shstrtab-addr section-headers-offset shstrtab-size)
+ (- section-headers-offset shstrtab-size))
+(define (calculate-data-addr text-addr code-size rodata-size)
+ (+ text-addr (align-to (+ code-size rodata-size) alignment)))
+(define (calculate-dynamic-addr data-addr data-size)
+ (align-to (+ data-addr data-size) alignment))
+(define (calculate-dynsym-addr dynamic-addr dynamic-size)
+ (+ dynamic-addr dynamic-size))
+(define (calculate-dynstr-addr dynsym-addr dynamic-symbol-table-size)
+ (+ dynsym-addr dynamic-symbol-table-size))
+(define (calculate-rela-addr dynamic-addr rela-offset dynamic-offset)
+ (+ dynamic-addr (- rela-offset dynamic-offset)))
+(define (calculate-got-addr dynamic-addr got-offset dynamic-offset)
+ (+ dynamic-addr (- got-offset dynamic-offset)))
+(define (calculate-plt-addr dynamic-addr plt-offset dynamic-offset)
+ (+ dynamic-addr (- plt-offset dynamic-offset)))
+(define (calculate-symtab-offset section-offset code-size rodata-size data-size)
+ (+ section-offset code-size rodata-size data-size))
+(define (calculate-total-size section-headers-offset)
+ (+ section-headers-offset (* num-sections section-header-size)))
+(define (calculate-strtab-offset symtab-offset symtab-size)
+ (+ symtab-offset symtab-size))
+(define (get-dynsym-indices symtab-hash)
+ (let ((indices (make-hash-table)))
+ (let loop ((index 0)
+ (entries (hash-map->list cons symtab-hash)))
+ (if (null? entries)
+ indices
+ (let* ((entry (car entries))
+ (name (car entry))
+ (value (cdr entry)))
+ (hash-set! indices name index)
+ (loop (+ index 1) (cdr entries)))))))
+(define (calculate-elf-layout code data-sections symbol-addresses label-positions)
+ (let* ((program-headers-offset (calculate-program-headers-offset))
+ (code-size (calculate-code-size code))
+ (rodata-size (calculate-rodata-size))
+ (bss-size (calculate-bss-size))
+ (data-size (calculate-data-size data-sections))
+ (unique-symbol-addresses
+ (list
+ (cons '.text@LOCAL #x1000)
+ (cons '.data@LOCAL #x3020)
+ (cons '.dynamic@LOCAL #x2f00)
+ (cons '.dynsym@LOCAL #x220)
+ (cons '.dynstr@LOCAL #x2b0)
+ (cons '.rela.dyn@LOCAL #x2e8)
+ (cons '.got@LOCAL #x2fe0)
+ (cons '.got.plt@LOCAL #x3000)
+ (cons '.note.gnu.build-id@LOCAL #x1c8)
+ (cons '.eh_frame@LOCAL #x2000)
+ (cons '.hash@LOCAL #x1f0)
+ (cons '_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_@LOCAL #x3000)
+ (cons '_DYNAMIC@LOCAL #x2f00)))
+ (combined-symbol-addresses (append symbol-addresses unique-symbol-addresses))
+ (symtab-size (calculate-symtab-size combined-symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (strtab-size (calculate-strtab-size combined-symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (shstrtab-size (calculate-shstrtab-size))
+ (dynamic-symbol-table-size (calculate-dynamic-symbol-table-size symbol-addresses))
+ (relocation-table-size (calculate-relocation-table-size symbol-addresses))
+ (got-size (calculate-got-size symbol-addresses))
+ (plt-size (calculate-plt-size symbol-addresses))
+ (data-offset (calculate-data-offset code-size rodata-size))
+ (dynamic-offset (calculate-dynamic-offset data-offset data-size))
+ (dynamic-size (calculate-dynamic-size))
+ (dynsym-offset (calculate-dynsym-offset dynamic-offset dynamic-size))
+ (dynstr-offset (calculate-dynstr-offset dynsym-offset dynamic-symbol-table-size))
+ (rela-offset (calculate-rela-offset dynstr-offset strtab-size))
+ (got-offset (calculate-got-offset rela-offset relocation-table-size))
+ (plt-offset (calculate-plt-offset got-offset got-size))
+ (symtab-and-strtab (create-symtab-and-strtab combined-symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (symtab-bv (car symtab-and-strtab))
+ (strtab (cdr symtab-and-strtab))
+ (dynsymtab-and-dynstrtab (create-dynsym-and-dynstr symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (dynsymtab-bv (car dynsymtab-and-dynstrtab))
+ (dynstrtab (cdr dynsymtab-and-dynstrtab))
+ (dynsym-size (bytevector-length dynsymtab-bv))
+ (dynstr-size (bytevector-length dynstrtab))
+ (symtab-hash (create-symbol-table symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (dynsym-indices (get-dynsym-indices symtab-hash))
+ (total-dynamic-size
+ (calculate-total-dynamic-size
+ dynamic-offset
+ dynamic-size
+ got-offset
+ got-size
+ plt-offset
+ plt-size
+ bss-size
+ alignment))
+ (section-headers-offset (calculate-section-headers-offset dynamic-offset total-dynamic-size))
+ (hash-size (calculate-hash-size symbol-addresses))
+ (hash-offset (calculate-hash-offset dynamic-offset dynamic-size))
+ (shstrtab-addr (calculate-shstrtab-addr section-headers-offset shstrtab-size))
+ (data-addr (calculate-data-addr text-addr code-size rodata-size))
+ (dynamic-addr (calculate-dynamic-addr data-addr data-size))
+ (dynsym-addr (calculate-dynsym-addr dynamic-addr dynamic-size))
+ (dynstr-addr (calculate-dynstr-addr dynsym-addr dynamic-symbol-table-size))
+ (rela-addr (calculate-rela-addr dynamic-addr rela-offset dynamic-offset))
+ (got-addr (calculate-got-addr dynamic-addr got-offset dynamic-offset))
+ (plt-addr (calculate-plt-addr dynamic-addr plt-offset dynamic-offset))
+ (symtab-offset (calculate-symtab-offset section-offset code-size rodata-size data-size))
+ (total-size (calculate-total-size section-headers-offset))
+ (code-offset (calculate-code-offset elf-header-size program-headers-offset))
+ (init-offset (align-to text-addr 16))
+ (init-size 16)
+ (fini-size 16)
+ (fini-offset (align-to (+ init-offset init-size) 16))
+ (strtab-offset (calculate-strtab-offset symtab-offset symtab-size)))
+ (list
+ (cons 'program-headers-offset program-headers-offset)
+ (cons 'init-offset init-offset)
+ (cons 'init-size init-size)
+ (cons 'code-size code-size)
+ (cons 'code-offset code-offset)
+ (cons 'rodata-size rodata-size)
+ (cons 'bss-size bss-size)
+ (cons 'dynsym-indices dynsym-indices)
+ (cons 'data-size data-size)
+ (cons 'symtab-size symtab-size)
+ (cons 'strtab-size strtab-size)
+ (cons 'shstrtab-size shstrtab-size)
+ (cons 'symtab-hash symtab-hash)
+ (cons 'dynamic-symbol-table-size dynamic-symbol-table-size)
+ (cons 'relocation-table-size relocation-table-size)
+ (cons 'got-size got-size)
+ (cons 'plt-size plt-size)
+ (cons 'symtab-and-strtab symtab-and-strtab)
+ (cons 'symtab-bv symtab-bv)
+ (cons 'strtab strtab)
+ (cons 'dynsymtab-bv dynsymtab-bv)
+ (cons 'dynstrtab dynstrtab)
+ (cons 'dynsym-size dynsym-size)
+ (cons 'dynstr-size dynstr-size)
+ (cons 'data-offset data-offset)
+ (cons 'dynamic-offset dynamic-offset)
+ (cons 'dynamic-size dynamic-size)
+ (cons 'dynsym-offset dynsym-offset)
+ (cons 'dynstr-offset dynstr-offset)
+ (cons 'rela-offset rela-offset)
+ (cons 'got-offset got-offset)
+ (cons 'plt-offset plt-offset)
+ (cons 'total-dynamic-size total-dynamic-size)
+ (cons 'section-headers-offset section-headers-offset)
+ (cons 'shstrtab-addr shstrtab-addr)
+ (cons 'data-addr data-addr)
+ (cons 'dynamic-addr dynamic-addr)
+ (cons 'dynsym-addr dynsym-addr)
+ (cons 'dynstr-addr dynstr-addr)
+ (cons 'rela-addr rela-addr)
+ (cons 'got-addr got-addr)
+ (cons 'plt-addr plt-addr)
+ (cons 'symtab-offset symtab-offset)
+ (cons 'strtab-offset strtab-offset)
+ (cons 'total-size total-size)
+ (cons 'hash-size hash-size)
+ (cons 'hash-offset hash-offset)
+ (cons 'text-addr text-addr))))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(use-modules (linker)
+ (shared-object-creator)
+ (assembler)
+ (rnrs bytevectors)
+ (ice-9 receive)) ; For receiving multiple values
+;; Define data
+(define buffer1
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ '(0 0 128 63 ; 1.0
+ 0 0 0 64 ; 2.0
+ 0 0 64 64 ; 3.0
+ 0 0 128 64 ; 4.0
+ 0 0 160 64 ; 5.0
+ 0 0 192 64 ; 6.0
+ 0 0 224 64 ; 7.0
+ 0 0 0 65))) ; 8.0
+(define buffer2
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ '(0 0 0 65 ; 8.0
+ 0 0 224 64 ; 7.0
+ 0 0 192 64 ; 6.0
+ 0 0 160 64 ; 5.0
+ 0 0 128 64 ; 4.0
+ 0 0 64 64 ; 3.0
+ 0 0 0 64 ; 2.0
+ 0 0 128 63))) ; 1.0
+(define multiplier
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (apply append (make-list 8 '(0 0 0 64)))))
+(define result (make-bytevector 32 0))
+(define __dso_handle (make-bytevector 32 0))
+;; Define symbol addresses (these will be relative to the start of .data section)
+(define symbol-addresses
+ '((buffer1 . #x3020) ; Start of .data section
+ (buffer2 . #x3040) ; 32 bytes after buffer1
+ (result . #x3060) ; 32 bytes after buffer2
+ (multiplier . #x3080))) ; 32 bytes after result
+(define example-code
+ '((label perform_operations)
+ (push rbp)
+ (mov rbp rsp)
+ ; Load addresses using GOTPCREL for PIC
+ (lea rdi (rip buffer1@GOTPCREL))
+ (lea rsi (rip buffer2@GOTPCREL))
+ (lea rdx (rip result@GOTPCREL))
+ (lea rax (rip multiplier@GOTPCREL))
+ ; Dereference GOT entries
+ (mov rdi (rdi))
+ (mov rsi (rsi))
+ (mov rdx (rdx))
+ (mov rax (rax))
+ ; Addition
+ (vmovaps (rdi) ymm0)
+ (vmovaps (rsi) ymm1)
+ (vaddps ymm1 ymm0 ymm0)
+ (vmovaps ymm0 (rdx))
+ ; Multiplication
+ (vxorps ymm1 ymm1 ymm1)
+ (vmovaps (rax) ymm2)
+ (vfmadd132ps ymm0 ymm1 ymm2)
+ (vmovaps ymm0 (rdx))
+ ; End of function
+ (xor eax eax)
+ (pop rbp)
+ (ret)))
+;; Assemble the code and get the relocation table
+(receive (assembled-code relocation-table)
+ (assemble example-code)
+ (define label-positions (get-label-positions))
+ ;; Create the shared object file
+ (create-shared-object
+ assembled-code
+ `((buffer1 . ,buffer1)
+ (buffer2 . ,buffer2)
+ (result . ,result)
+ (multiplier . ,multiplier))
+ "liboutput.so"
+ symbol-addresses
+ label-positions
+ relocation-table)) ; Pass the relocation table to create-shared-object
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (got-plt-section)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:export (create-got-plt-section))
+(define (create-got-plt-section function-labels dynamic-addr plt-addr)
+ (let* ((num-entries 0)
+ (got-plt-size (* (+ num-entries 3) 8)) ; 3 reserved entries + num_entries
+ (got-plt (make-bytevector got-plt-size 0)))
+ ; First entry points to the dynamic section (dynamic-addr)
+ (bytevector-u64-set! got-plt 0 dynamic-addr (endianness little))
+ ; Second and third entries are reserved (set to 0)
+ (bytevector-u64-set! got-plt 8 0 (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! got-plt 16 0 (endianness little))
+ ; Ensure the rest of the entries are correct
+ (do ((i 3 (1+ i)))
+ ((= i (+ num-entries 3)))
+ ; Each GOT entry points to the corresponding PLT entry (plt-addr + 16*i)
+ (bytevector-u64-set! got-plt (* i 8) (+ plt-addr (* i 16)) (endianness little)))
+ got-plt))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (linker)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 hash-table)
+ #:use-module (rnrs arithmetic bitwise)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-11) ; for let-values
+ #:export (link-code resolve-references))
+(define (process-relocation-table relocation-table)
+ (define (remove-duplicates lst)
+ (if (null? lst)
+ '()
+ (cons (car lst)
+ (remove-duplicates
+ (filter (lambda (x) (not (equal? x (car lst))))
+ (cdr lst))))))
+ (define (extract-symbols table)
+ (define (strip-got-suffix symbol)
+ (let* ((sym-str (symbol->string symbol))
+ (at-index (string-index sym-str #\@)))
+ (if at-index
+ (string->symbol (substring sym-str 0 at-index))
+ symbol)))
+ (remove-duplicates
+ (map (lambda (reloc)
+ (strip-got-suffix (caddr reloc)))
+ table)))
+ (let* ((symbols (extract-symbols relocation-table))
+ (base-address #x0)
+ (address-step 8))
+ (map (lambda (symbol index)
+ (cons symbol (+ base-address (* index address-step))))
+ symbols
+ (iota (length symbols)))))
+;; Constants
+(define base-address-difference #x1000)
+(define (strip-got-suffix symbol)
+ (let* ((sym-str (symbol->string symbol))
+ (at-index (string-index sym-str #\@)))
+ (if at-index
+ (string->symbol (substring sym-str 0 at-index))
+ symbol)))
+(define (safe-ref table key)
+ (let* ((stripped-key (strip-got-suffix key))
+ (result (cond
+ ((hash-table? table) (hash-ref table stripped-key))
+ ((list? table) (let ((pair (assoc stripped-key table)))
+ (and pair (cdr pair))))
+ (else #f))))
+ result))
+(define (bytevector->hex-string bv start len)
+ (string-join
+ (map (lambda (i)
+ (format #f "~2,'0x" (bytevector-u8-ref bv i)))
+ (iota len start))
+ " "))
+(define (adjust-address address)
+ (+ address base-address-difference))
+;; Main function
+(define (resolve-references code symbol-table label-positions relocation-table code-start-offset got-offset got-relocation-table)
+ (define (lookup-symbol symbol)
+ (let ((sym-str (symbol->string symbol)))
+ (if (string-suffix? "@GOTPCREL" sym-str)
+ (let* ((base-symbol (strip-got-suffix symbol))
+ (got-entry (assoc base-symbol got-relocation-table)))
+ (if got-entry
+ (+ got-offset (cdr got-entry)) ; Return GOT entry address
+ #f)) ; Return #f if not found in GOT table
+ (safe-ref symbol-table symbol))))
+ (let ((resolved-code (bytevector-copy code))
+ (code-base-address code-start-offset))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (reloc)
+ (let ((symbol-address (lookup-symbol (caddr reloc))))
+ (when (number? symbol-address) ; Only apply relocation if symbol address is found and is a number
+ (apply-relocation resolved-code
+ (car reloc) ; offset
+ (cadr reloc) ; type
+ (caddr reloc) ; symbol
+ symbol-address
+ code-base-address
+ code-start-offset
+ got-offset))))
+ relocation-table)
+ resolved-code))
+(define (apply-relocation code offset type symbol symbol-address code-base-address code-start-offset got-offset)
+ (let* ((code-offset (- offset code-start-offset))
+ (instruction-end offset)
+ (next-instruction-address (+ offset 4)))
+ (if (number? symbol-address)
+ (let* ((relative-address (- symbol-address next-instruction-address 3))
+ (displacement (bitwise-and relative-address #xffffffff)))
+ (if (and (>= code-offset 0) (< (+ code-offset 7) (bytevector-length code)))
+ ;; Preserve the first 3 bytes (opcode and ModR/M)
+ (bytevector-u32-set! code (+ code-offset 3) displacement (endianness little)))))))
+(define (link-code code symbol-addresses label-positions relocation-table data-addr)
+ (define got-offset #x2fe0)
+ (define got-relocation-table (process-relocation-table relocation-table))
+ (let ((symbol-table (if (hash-table? symbol-addresses)
+ symbol-addresses
+ (alist->hash-table symbol-addresses))))
+ (resolve-references code symbol-table label-positions relocation-table #x1000 got-offset got-relocation-table)))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (note-gnu-build-id-section)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:export (create-note-gnu-build-id-section))
+;; Helper function to check if a character is a valid hexadecimal digit
+(define (hex-digit? char)
+ (or (char<=? #\0 char #\9) (char<=? #\a char #\f) (char<=? #\A char #\F)))
+;; Convert a hex string to a bytevector
+(define (hex-string->bytevector hex-str)
+ (let* ((cleaned-str (string-downcase (string-filter hex-digit? hex-str)))
+ (len (/ (string-length cleaned-str) 2))
+ (bv (make-bytevector len)))
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 2))
+ (byte-offset 0 (+ byte-offset 1)))
+ ((>= i (string-length cleaned-str)) bv)
+ (let ((hex-byte (string->number (substring cleaned-str i (+ i 2)) 16)))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! bv byte-offset hex-byte)))))
+;; Align size to 4 bytes
+(define (align-to-4 size)
+ (+ size (modulo (- 4 (modulo size 4)) 4)))
+(define (create-note-gnu-build-id-section build-id)
+ (let* ((name "GNU\0")
+ (name-bytes (string->utf8 name))
+ (name-size (bytevector-length name-bytes))
+ (name-size-aligned (align-to-4 name-size))
+ (descriptor (hex-string->bytevector build-id))
+ (descriptor-size (bytevector-length descriptor))
+ (descriptor-size-aligned (align-to-4 descriptor-size))
+ (total-size (+ 12 name-size-aligned descriptor-size-aligned))
+ (note-section (make-bytevector total-size 0)))
+ ;; Write name size (4 bytes, little-endian)
+ (bytevector-u32-set! note-section 0 name-size (endianness little))
+ ;; Write descriptor size (4 bytes, little-endian)
+ (bytevector-u32-set! note-section 4 descriptor-size (endianness little))
+ ;; Write type (4 bytes, little-endian) (NT_GNU_BUILD_ID is 0x3)
+ (bytevector-u32-set! note-section 8 #x3 (endianness little))
+ ;; Write the name ("GNU\0")
+ (bytevector-copy! name-bytes 0 note-section 12 name-size)
+ ;; Write the descriptor (the actual build ID)
+ (bytevector-copy! descriptor 0 note-section (+ 12 name-size-aligned) descriptor-size)
+ ;; Return the bytevector representing the .note.gnu.build-id section
+ note-section))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (program-headers)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (utils)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (config)
+ #:use-module (elf-layout-calculator)
+ #:export (create-program-headers))
+;; Program header record
+(define-record-type <program-header>
+ (make-program-header type flags offset vaddr paddr filesz memsz align)
+ program-header?
+ (type ph-type)
+ (flags ph-flags)
+ (offset ph-offset)
+ (vaddr ph-vaddr)
+ (paddr ph-paddr)
+ (filesz ph-filesz)
+ (memsz ph-memsz)
+ (align ph-align))
+;; Calculates the size of the text segment
+(define (calculate-text-segment-size code-size rodata-size plt-size)
+ (+ code-size rodata-size plt-size))
+;; Calculates the end address of the text segment
+(define (calculate-text-segment-end text-addr text-segment-size)
+ (+ text-addr text-segment-size))
+;; Calculates the start address of the data segment based on the end of the text segment
+(define (calculate-data-segment-start text-segment-end alignment)
+ (align-up text-segment-end alignment))
+;; Calculate the file size for the second PT_LOAD segment
+(define (calculate-data-segment-file-size total-size data-segment-start)
+ ;; Since .bss is at the end and has no file size, the file size is calculated normally
+ (- total-size data-segment-start))
+;; Calculate the memory size for the second PT_LOAD segment
+(define (calculate-data-segment-mem-size data-segment-file-size bss-size)
+ ;; Include the size of the .bss section in the memory size
+ (+ data-segment-file-size bss-size))
+;; Calculates the size of the RELRO segment
+(define (calculate-relro-size data-segment-start dynamic-addr)
+ (- dynamic-addr data-segment-start))
+(define (calculate-first-load-size text-addr text-size phdr-offset phdr-size alignment)
+ (let ((first-load-size (max (+ text-size phdr-size))))
+ (align-up first-load-size alignment)))
+(define (create-program-headers
+ elf-header-size
+ program-header-size
+ num-program-headers
+ text-addr
+ code-size
+ rodata-size
+ bss-size
+ data-size
+ dynamic-addr
+ dynamic-offset
+ dynamic-size
+ total-dynamic-size
+ got-offset
+ got-size
+ plt-offset
+ plt-size
+ total-size
+ zero-load-size
+ got-plt-size
+ alignment)
+ ;; Calculate dependent values
+ (let* ((text-segment-size (calculate-text-segment-size code-size rodata-size plt-size))
+ (text-segment-end (calculate-text-segment-end text-addr text-segment-size))
+ (data-segment-start (calculate-data-segment-start text-segment-end alignment))
+ (data-segment-file-size (calculate-data-segment-file-size total-size data-segment-start))
+ (data-segment-mem-size (calculate-data-segment-mem-size data-segment-file-size bss-size))
+ (relro-size (calculate-relro-size data-segment-start dynamic-addr))
+ (phdr-size (calculate-phdr-size num-program-headers program-header-size))
+ ;; Place .bss at the end after all other sections, ensuring alignment
+ (bss-addr (align-up total-size alignment))
+ (phdr-offset (align-up elf-header-size alignment))
+ (first-load-size (calculate-first-load-size text-addr text-segment-size phdr-offset phdr-size alignment)))
+ (let ((headers
+ (list
+ ; First LOAD segment (R)
+ (make-program-header
+ pt-load ; Type: Loadable segment
+ (logior pf-r) ; Flags: Read and execute permissions
+ #x0 ; Offset: Start of file
+ #x0 ; Virtual address: Address of text segment
+ #x0 ; Physical address: Same as virtual address
+ zero-load-size
+ zero-load-size
+ alignment) ; Alignment: Required alignment
+ ; Second LOAD segment (RX) - includes .text and .rodata
+ (make-program-header
+ pt-load ; Type: Loadable segment
+ (logior pf-r pf-x) ; Flags: Read and execute permissions
+ #x1000 ; Offset: Start of file
+ text-addr ; Virtual address: Address of text segment
+ text-addr ; Physical address: Same as virtual address
+ code-size
+ code-size
+ alignment) ; Alignment: Required alignment
+ ; Third LOAD segment (RW) - for .data
+ (make-program-header
+ pt-load ; Type: Loadable segment
+ (logior pf-r) ; Flags: Read and write permissions
+ data-segment-start ; Offset: Start of data segment in file
+ data-segment-start ; Virtual address: Start of data segment in memory
+ data-segment-start ; Physical address: Same as virtual address
+ #x0
+ #x0
+ alignment) ; Alignment: Required alignment
+ ; Fourth LOAD segment (RWX) - starting from .dynamic, includes .plt and ends with .bss
+ (make-program-header
+ pt-load ; Type: Loadable segment
+ (logior pf-r pf-w) ; Flags: Read, write, and execute permissions
+ dynamic-offset ; Offset: Start of dynamic section
+ dynamic-addr ; Virtual address: Address of dynamic section
+ dynamic-addr ; Physical address: Same as virtual address
+ (+ dynamic-size got-size got-plt-size data-size)
+ (+ dynamic-size got-size got-plt-size data-size)
+ alignment) ; Alignment: Required alignment
+ (make-program-header
+ pt-dynamic ; Type: Dynamic linking information
+ (logior pf-r pf-w) ; Flags: Read and write permissions
+ dynamic-offset ; Offset: Start of dynamic section
+ dynamic-addr ; Virtual address: Address of dynamic section
+ dynamic-addr ; Physical address: Same as virtual address
+ dynamic-size ; File size: Size of dynamic section
+ dynamic-size ; Memory size: Same as file size
+ #x08) ; Alignment: Required alignment
+ ; NOTE
+ (make-program-header
+ pt-note ; Type: Loadable segment
+ pf-r ; Flags: Read permission
+ #x1c8 ; Offset: File offset, 0 for NOBITS
+ #x1c8 ; Virtual address: Hardcoded start address for .bss
+ #x1c8 ; Physical address: Same as virtual address
+ #x24 ; File size: 0 because .bss is NOBITS
+ #x24 ; Memory size: Hardcoded size for .bss in memory
+ #x4 ; Alignment: Usually 0x1000 for page alignment
+ )
+ (make-program-header
+ pt-gnu-relro ; Type: GNU read-only after relocation
+ pf-r ; Flags: Read permission
+ dynamic-offset ; Offset: Start of data segment
+ dynamic-addr ; Virtual address: Start of data segment
+ dynamic-addr ; Physical address: Same as virtual address
+ (+ dynamic-size got-size); File size: Size of read-only after relocation section
+ (+ dynamic-size got-size); Memory size: Same as file size
+ 1)))) ; Alignment: 1 byte alignment
+ (program-headers->bytevector headers))))
+;; Helper function to align addresses
+(define (align-up address alignment)
+ (let ((remainder (modulo address alignment)))
+ (if (zero? remainder)
+ address
+ (+ address (- alignment remainder)))))
+(define (program-headers->bytevector headers)
+ (let* ((bv (make-bytevector (* (length headers) program-header-size) 0)))
+ (let loop ((headers headers) (offset 0))
+ (if (null? headers)
+ bv
+ (let ((ph (car headers)))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! bv offset (ph-type ph) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! bv (+ offset 4) (ph-flags ph) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ offset 8) (ph-offset ph) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ offset 16) (ph-vaddr ph) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ offset 24) (ph-paddr ph) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ offset 32) (ph-filesz ph) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ offset 40) (ph-memsz ph) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ offset 48) (ph-align ph) (endianness little))
+ (loop (cdr headers) (+ offset program-header-size)))))))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (rela-plt-section)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:export (create-rela-plt-section))
+(define (create-rela-entry offset sym-index type)
+ (let ((entry (make-bytevector 24 0))) ; Each RELA entry is 24 bytes
+ (bytevector-u64-set! entry 0 offset (endianness little)) ; r_offset
+ (bytevector-u64-set! entry 8
+ (logior (ash (if (number? sym-index) sym-index 0) 32)
+ type)
+ (endianness little)) ; r_info
+ (bytevector-u64-set! entry 16 0 (endianness little)) ; r_addend
+ entry))
+(define (create-rela-plt-section function-labels got-plt-offset dynsym-indices)
+ (let* ((num-entries (length function-labels))
+ (rela-plt-size (* num-entries 24))
+ (rela-plt (make-bytevector rela-plt-size 0)))
+ (let loop ((i 0)
+ (labels function-labels))
+ (if (null? labels)
+ rela-plt
+ (let* ((function-pair (car labels))
+ (function-name (car function-pair))
+ (raw-sym-index (hash-ref dynsym-indices function-name))
+ (sym-index (if raw-sym-index (+ raw-sym-index 1) #f))
+ (got-plt-entry-offset (+ got-plt-offset (* i 8))) ; Removed +3 offset
+ (entry (create-rela-entry
+ got-plt-entry-offset
+ (or sym-index 0) ; Use 0 if sym-index is #f
+ 7))) ; 7 is R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT
+ (bytevector-copy! entry 0 rela-plt (* i 24) 24)
+ (loop (+ i 1) (cdr labels)))))))
+(define (print-rela-plt-section rela-plt function-labels)
+ (let ((size (bytevector-length rela-plt)))
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 24))
+ (labels function-labels (cdr labels)))
+ ((or (>= i size) (null? labels))))))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (relocation-table)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 hash-table)
+ #:export (create-relocation-table))
+(define* (create-relocation-table symbol-addresses
+ #:optional (options '()))
+ (let ((reloc-entry-size (or (assoc-ref options 'reloc-entry-size) 24))
+ (r-offset-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'r-offset-offset) 0))
+ (r-info-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'r-info-offset) 8))
+ (r-addend-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'r-addend-offset) 16))
+ (reloc-type (or (assoc-ref options 'r-x86-64-glob-dat) 6))
+ (symbol-index-start (or (assoc-ref options 'symbol-index-start) 1))
+ ;; Update the GOT base with the new offset from the .got section
+ (got-base (or (assoc-ref options 'got-base) #x2fe0))) ; Updated GOT base
+ (let* ((non-function-symbols
+ (if (hash-table? symbol-addresses)
+ (filter (lambda (entry) (not (cdr (cdr entry))))
+ (hash-map->list cons symbol-addresses))
+ (filter (lambda (symbol) (not (and (pair? symbol) (cdr symbol))))
+ symbol-addresses)))
+ (reloc-count (length non-function-symbols))
+ (table-size (* reloc-count reloc-entry-size))
+ (table (make-bytevector table-size 0)))
+ (let loop ((symbols non-function-symbols)
+ (index 0))
+ (if (null? symbols)
+ table
+ (let* ((symbol (car symbols))
+ (name (if (hash-table? symbol-addresses)
+ (car symbol)
+ (if (pair? symbol) (car symbol) symbol)))
+ (value (if (hash-table? symbol-addresses)
+ (car (cdr symbol))
+ (if (pair? symbol) (car symbol) symbol)))
+ (address (if (pair? value) (car value) value))
+ (entry-offset (* index reloc-entry-size))
+ (symbol-index (+ symbol-index-start index))
+ (got-entry (+ got-base (* index 8))) ; Each GOT entry is 8 bytes in size
+ (r-info (logior (ash symbol-index 32) reloc-type)))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! table
+ (+ entry-offset r-offset-offset)
+ got-entry
+ (endianness little)) ; r_offset points to GOT entry
+ (bytevector-u64-set! table
+ (+ entry-offset r-info-offset)
+ r-info
+ (endianness little)) ; r_info
+ (bytevector-u64-set! table
+ (+ entry-offset r-addend-offset)
+ 0
+ (endianness little)) ; r_addend
+ (loop (cdr symbols) (+ index 1))))))))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (section-headers)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (utils)
+ #:use-module (string-table)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (config)
+ #:export (create-section-headers))
+;; Define a record type for section headers
+(define-record-type <section-header>
+ (make-section-header name type flags addr offset size link info align entsize)
+ section-header?
+ (name sh-name)
+ (type sh-type)
+ (flags sh-flags)
+ (addr sh-addr)
+ (offset sh-offset)
+ (size sh-size)
+ (link sh-link)
+ (info sh-info)
+ (align sh-align)
+ (entsize sh-entsize))
+(define (create-section-headers
+ text-addr code-size data-size symtab-size strtab-size shstrtab-size
+ dynsym-size dynstr-size rela-size total-dynamic-size dynamic-size
+ rela-offset got-size data-addr dynamic-addr dynsym-addr dynstr-addr
+ rela-addr got-addr plt-addr symtab-offset strtab-offset shstrtab-addr
+ plt-size plt-got-addr plt-got-size rela-plt-addr rela-plt-size
+ got-plt-addr got-plt-size rodata-offset gnu-version-addr gnu-version-r-addr
+ gnu-version-size gnu-version-r-size gnu-version-d-offset gnu-version-d-size
+ hash-offset hash-size code-offset init-offset init-size
+ note-gnu-build-id-addr note-gnu-build-id-size eh-frame-addr eh-frame-size)
+ (let ((headers
+ (list
+ ;; Null section
+ (make-section-header 0 sht-null 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+ ;; .note.gnu.build-id section
+ (make-section-header 1 sht-note shf-alloc
+ note-gnu-build-id-addr note-gnu-build-id-addr note-gnu-build-id-size 0 0 4 0)
+ ;; .hash section
+ (make-section-header 20 sht-hash shf-alloc
+ hash-offset hash-offset hash-size 3 0 8 4)
+ ;; .dynsym section
+ (make-section-header 26 sht-dynsym shf-alloc
+ dynsym-addr dynsym-addr dynsym-size 4 1 8 24)
+ ;; .dynstr section
+ (make-section-header 34 sht-strtab shf-alloc
+ dynstr-addr dynstr-addr dynstr-size 0 0 1 0)
+ ;; .rela.dyn section
+ (make-section-header 42 sht-rela shf-alloc
+ rela-addr rela-addr rela-size 3 0 8 24)
+ ;; .text section
+ (make-section-header 52 sht-progbits (logior shf-alloc shf-execinstr)
+ text-addr text-addr code-size 0 0 1 0)
+ ;; .eh_frame section
+ (make-section-header 58 sht-progbits shf-alloc
+ eh-frame-addr eh-frame-addr eh-frame-size 0 0 8 0)
+ ;; .dynamic section
+ (make-section-header 68 sht-dynamic (logior shf-write shf-alloc)
+ dynamic-addr dynamic-addr dynamic-size 4 0 8 dynamic-entry-size)
+ ;; .got section
+ (make-section-header 77 sht-progbits (logior shf-write shf-alloc)
+ got-addr got-addr got-size 0 0 8 got-entry-size)
+ ;; .got.plt section
+ (make-section-header 82 sht-progbits (logior shf-write shf-alloc)
+ got-plt-addr got-plt-addr got-plt-size 0 0 8 8)
+ ;; .data section
+ (make-section-header 91 sht-progbits (logior shf-write shf-alloc)
+ data-addr data-addr data-size 0 0 32 0)
+ ;; .symtab section
+ (make-section-header 97 sht-symtab 0 0 symtab-offset symtab-size 13 17 8 24)
+ ;; .strtab section
+ (make-section-header 105 sht-strtab 0 0 strtab-offset strtab-size 0 0 1 0)
+ ;; .shstrtab section
+ (make-section-header 113 sht-strtab 0 0 shstrtab-addr shstrtab-size 0 0 1 0)
+ )))
+ ;; Convert the section headers to a bytevector
+ (section-headers->bytevector headers)))
+;; Convert section headers to bytevector
+(define (section-headers->bytevector headers)
+ (let* ((bv (make-bytevector (* (length headers) section-header-size) 0)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (index header)
+ (let ((base (* index section-header-size)))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! bv (+ base 0) (sh-name header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! bv (+ base 4) (sh-type header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ base 8) (sh-flags header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ base 16) (sh-addr header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ base 24) (sh-offset header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ base 32) (sh-size header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! bv (+ base 40) (sh-link header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! bv (+ base 44) (sh-info header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ base 48) (sh-align header) (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! bv (+ base 56) (sh-entsize header) (endianness little))))
+ (iota (length headers))
+ headers)
+ bv))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (shared-object-creator)
+ #:use-module (config)
+ #:use-module (elf-header)
+ #:use-module (program-headers)
+ #:use-module (section-headers)
+ #:use-module (dynamic-section)
+ #:use-module (symbol-table)
+ #:use-module (string-table)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (relocation-table)
+ #:use-module (elf-layout-calculator)
+ #:use-module (elf-dynamic-calculator)
+ #:use-module (rela-plt-section)
+ #:use-module (got-plt-section)
+ #:use-module (linker)
+ #:use-module (data-section)
+ #:use-module (note-gnu-build-id-section)
+ #:export (create-shared-object))
+(define (create-got-section got-size)
+ (make-bytevector got-size 0))
+(define (create-init-section)
+ (let ((init-section (make-bytevector 16 0)))
+ ;; Simple .init section (x86_64 assembly)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! init-section 0 #x55) ; push rbp
+ (bytevector-u8-set! init-section 1 #x48)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! init-section 2 #x89)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! init-section 3 #xe5) ; mov rbp, rsp
+ (bytevector-u8-set! init-section 4 #x5d) ; pop rbp
+ (bytevector-u8-set! init-section 5 #xc3) ; ret
+ init-section))
+(define (create-shared-object code data-sections output-file symbol-addresses label-positions assembled-relocation-table)
+ (let* ((layout (calculate-elf-layout code data-sections symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (program-headers-offset (assoc-ref layout 'program-headers-offset))
+ (code-size (assoc-ref layout 'code-size))
+ (data-size (assoc-ref layout 'data-size))
+ (symtab-size (assoc-ref layout 'symtab-size))
+ (strtab-size (assoc-ref layout 'strtab-size))
+ (shstrtab-size (assoc-ref layout 'shstrtab-size))
+ (relocation-table-size (assoc-ref layout 'relocation-table-size))
+ (got-size (assoc-ref layout 'got-size))
+ (data-offset (assoc-ref layout 'data-offset))
+ (rodata-size (assoc-ref layout 'rodata-size))
+ (plt-size (assoc-ref layout 'plt-size))
+ (init-offset (assoc-ref layout 'init-offset))
+ (init-size (assoc-ref layout 'init-size))
+ (section-headers-offset (assoc-ref layout 'section-headers-offset))
+ (shstrtab-addr (assoc-ref layout 'shstrtab-addr))
+ (dynamic-addr #x2f00)
+ (bss-size (assoc-ref layout 'bss-size))
+ (symtab-offset (assoc-ref layout 'symtab-offset))
+ (strtab-offset (assoc-ref layout 'strtab-offset))
+ (symtab-hash (assoc-ref layout 'symtab-hash))
+ (dynsym-indices (assoc-ref layout 'dynsym-indices))
+ (symtab-bv (assoc-ref layout 'symtab-bv))
+ (strtab (assoc-ref layout 'strtab))
+ (dynsymtab-bv (assoc-ref layout 'dynsymtab-bv))
+ (dynstrtab (assoc-ref layout 'dynstrtab))
+ (dynsym-size (assoc-ref layout 'dynsym-size))
+ (dynstr-size (assoc-ref layout 'dynstr-size))
+ (init-section (create-init-section))
+ (rodata-offset #x2000)
+ (note-gnu-build-id-address #x1c8)
+ (note-gnu-build-id-size #x24)
+ (hash-offset (align-to (+ note-gnu-build-id-address note-gnu-build-id-size) word-size))
+ (dynamic-offset (align-to dynamic-addr word-size))
+ (dynamic-size (assoc-ref layout 'dynamic-size))
+ (hash-table (create-hash-section dynsymtab-bv dynstrtab))
+ (hash-size (bytevector-length hash-table))
+ (dynsym-offset (align-to (+ hash-offset hash-size) word-size))
+ (dynstr-offset (align-to (+ dynsym-offset dynsym-size) word-size))
+ (rela-offset (align-to (+ dynstr-offset dynstr-size) word-size))
+ (relocation-table (create-relocation-table symtab-hash))
+ (relocation-table-size (bytevector-length relocation-table))
+ (code-offset (assoc-ref layout 'code-offset))
+ (got-offset (align-to (+ dynamic-offset dynamic-size) word-size))
+ (got-size (assoc-ref layout 'got-size))
+ (got-plt-offset (align-to (+ got-offset got-size) word-size))
+ (init-offset (+ text-addr code-size))
+ (init-size 16)
+ (fini-size 16)
+ (fini-offset (align-to (+ init-offset init-size) 16))
+ (plt-offset (align-to (+ fini-offset fini-size) 16))
+ (plt-got-offset (align-to (+ plt-offset plt-size) word-size))
+ (plt-got-size (* (length (hash-map->list cons label-positions)) 8))
+ (rela-plt-offset (align-to (+ rela-offset relocation-table-size) word-size))
+ (rela-addr (+ dynamic-addr (- rela-offset dynamic-offset)))
+ (rela-plt-section (create-rela-plt-section
+ (hash-map->list cons label-positions)
+ got-plt-offset
+ dynsym-indices))
+ (rela-plt-size (bytevector-length rela-plt-section))
+ (gnu-version-offset (align-to (+ hash-offset hash-size) 4))
+ (gnu-version-r-size 32) ; Since we're creating an empty .gnu.version_r section
+ (gnu-version-size (* 2 num-dynamic-entries))
+ (gnu-version-r-offset (align-to (+ gnu-version-offset gnu-version-size) word-size))
+ (gnu-version-d-size 32)
+ (gnu-version-size (* 2 num-dynamic-entries))
+ (gnu-version-d-offset (align-to (+ gnu-version-offset gnu-version-size) word-size))
+ (zero-load-size (+ rela-offset relocation-table-size))
+ (data-section (create-data-section data-sections))
+ (got-plt-section (create-got-plt-section
+ (hash-map->list cons label-positions)
+ dynamic-addr
+ plt-offset))
+ (got-plt-size (bytevector-length got-plt-section))
+ (data-addr (align-to (+ got-plt-offset got-plt-size 2) word-size))
+ (total-dynamic-size (- (+ got-plt-offset got-plt-size) dynamic-offset))
+ (data-segment-size (+ data-size total-dynamic-size))
+ (shstrtab (create-section-header-string-table))
+ (dynamic-section (create-dynamic-section
+ dynstr-offset
+ dynsym-offset
+ dynstr-size
+ dynsym-size
+ rela-offset
+ relocation-table-size
+ got-offset
+ hash-offset
+ gnu-version-offset
+ gnu-version-r-offset
+ gnu-version-r-size
+ plt-offset
+ plt-size
+ rela-plt-offset
+ rela-plt-size
+ got-plt-offset))
+ (section-headers (create-section-headers
+ text-addr
+ code-size
+ data-size
+ symtab-size
+ strtab-size
+ shstrtab-size
+ dynsym-size
+ dynstr-size
+ relocation-table-size
+ total-dynamic-size
+ dynamic-size
+ rela-offset
+ got-size
+ data-addr
+ dynamic-addr
+ dynsym-offset
+ dynstr-offset
+ rela-addr
+ (+ dynamic-addr (- got-offset dynamic-offset))
+ (+ dynamic-addr (- plt-offset dynamic-offset))
+ symtab-offset
+ strtab-offset
+ shstrtab-addr
+ plt-size
+ (+ dynamic-addr (- plt-got-offset dynamic-offset))
+ plt-got-size
+ rela-plt-offset
+ rela-plt-size
+ got-plt-offset
+ got-plt-size
+ rodata-offset
+ (+ dynamic-addr (- gnu-version-offset dynamic-offset))
+ (+ dynamic-addr (- gnu-version-r-offset dynamic-offset))
+ (* 2 (/ dynsym-size 24)) ; gnu-version-size
+ gnu-version-r-size
+ gnu-version-d-offset
+ gnu-version-d-size
+ hash-offset
+ hash-size
+ code-offset
+ init-offset
+ init-size
+ note-gnu-build-id-address
+ note-gnu-build-id-size
+ #x2000 ; Hardcoded .eh_frame address
+ #x0 ; Hardcoded .eh_frame size
+ ))
+ (program-headers (create-program-headers
+ elf-header-size
+ program-header-size
+ num-program-headers
+ text-addr
+ code-size
+ rodata-size
+ bss-size
+ data-segment-size
+ dynamic-addr
+ dynamic-offset
+ dynamic-size
+ total-dynamic-size
+ got-offset
+ got-size
+ plt-offset
+ plt-size
+ (+ data-addr data-segment-size)
+ zero-load-size
+ got-plt-size
+ alignment))
+ (program-headers-size (bytevector-length program-headers))
+ (num-program-headers (/ program-headers-size program-header-size))
+ (section-headers-size (* num-sections section-header-size))
+ (total-size (+ section-headers-offset section-headers-size))
+ (text-section-offset (calculate-text-section-offset elf-header-size program-headers-size))
+ (entry-point (calculate-entry-point text-addr text-section-offset))
+ (build-id "ff868e73a156d910e45c2590bb78b1224345b530")
+ (note-gnu-build-id-section (create-note-gnu-build-id-section build-id))
+ (elf-header (create-elf-header
+ entry-point
+ program-headers-offset
+ program-headers-size
+ section-headers-offset
+ num-program-headers
+ num-sections
+ total-size
+ shstrtab-index
+ hash-offset
+ hash-size)))
+ (let ((elf-file (make-bytevector total-size 0)))
+ ;; Copy ELF header (assumed to start at the beginning of the file)
+ (bytevector-copy! elf-header 0 elf-file 0 (bytevector-length elf-header))
+ ;; Copy program headers
+ (bytevector-copy! program-headers 0 elf-file program-headers-offset program-headers-size)
+ ;; Copy the .note.gnu.build-id section into the ELF file
+ (bytevector-copy! note-gnu-build-id-section 0 elf-file note-gnu-build-id-address note-gnu-build-id-size)
+ ;; Copy hash table (.hash)
+ (bytevector-copy! hash-table 0 elf-file hash-offset hash-size)
+ ;; Resolve and copy code section
+ (let* ((resolved-code (link-code code symtab-hash label-positions assembled-relocation-table data-addr))
+ (code-offset (assoc-ref layout 'code-offset)))
+ (bytevector-copy! resolved-code 0 elf-file code-offset (bytevector-length resolved-code)))
+ ;; Copy Global Offset Table for PLT (.got.plt)
+ (bytevector-copy! got-plt-section 0 elf-file got-plt-offset got-plt-size)
+ ;; Copy dynamic section
+ (bytevector-copy! dynamic-section 0 elf-file dynamic-offset dynamic-size)
+ ;; Copy dynamic symbol table (.dynsym)
+ (bytevector-copy! dynsymtab-bv 0 elf-file dynsym-offset dynsym-size)
+ ;; Copy dynamic string table (.dynstr)
+ (bytevector-copy! dynstrtab 0 elf-file dynstr-offset dynstr-size)
+ ;; Copy initialization section (.init)
+ (bytevector-copy! init-section 0 elf-file init-offset init-size)
+ ;; Copy relocation table (.rela.dyn)
+ (bytevector-copy! relocation-table 0 elf-file rela-offset relocation-table-size)
+ ;; Copy data section (.data)
+ (bytevector-copy! data-section 0 elf-file data-addr (bytevector-length data-section))
+ ;; Copy symbol table (.symtab)
+ (bytevector-copy! symtab-bv 0 elf-file symtab-offset symtab-size)
+ ;; Copy string table (.strtab)
+ (bytevector-copy! strtab 0 elf-file strtab-offset strtab-size)
+ ;; Copy Global Offset Table (.got)
+ (let ((got-section (create-got-section got-size)))
+ (bytevector-copy! got-section 0 elf-file got-offset got-size))
+ ;; Copy section header string table (.shstrtab)
+ (bytevector-copy! shstrtab 0 elf-file (- section-headers-offset shstrtab-size) shstrtab-size)
+ ;; Copy section headers
+ (bytevector-copy! section-headers 0 elf-file section-headers-offset section-headers-size)
+ ;; Write the ELF file
+ (call-with-output-file output-file
+ (lambda (port)
+ (put-bytevector port elf-file)))
+ total-size)))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (string-table)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:export (create-string-table
+ create-section-header-string-table
+ string-table-offset
+ get-section-name-offset
+ string-match?))
+(define (string-match? str bv offset)
+ (let ((str-len (string-length str)))
+ (and (<= (+ offset str-len) (bytevector-length bv))
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (or (= i str-len)
+ (and (= (char->integer (string-ref str i))
+ (bytevector-u8-ref bv (+ offset i)))
+ (loop (+ i 1))))))))
+(define* (create-string-table symbol-addresses label-positions #:optional (options '()))
+ (let ((null-terminator-size (or (assoc-ref options 'null-terminator-size) 1)))
+ (let* ((symbol-names
+ (if (hash-table? symbol-addresses)
+ (hash-map->list (lambda (key value) (symbol->string key)) symbol-addresses)
+ (map (lambda (pair) (symbol->string (car pair))) symbol-addresses)))
+ (label-names
+ (if (hash-table? label-positions)
+ (hash-map->list (lambda (key value) (symbol->string key)) label-positions)
+ (map (lambda (pair) (symbol->string (car pair))) label-positions)))
+ (names (cons "" (append symbol-names label-names)))
+ (total-length (apply + (map (lambda (name) (+ (string-length name) null-terminator-size)) names)))
+ (table (make-bytevector total-length 0))
+ (offset 0))
+ (for-each (lambda (name)
+ (let ((len (string-length name)))
+ (bytevector-copy! (string->utf8 name) 0 table offset len)
+ (bytevector-u8-set! table (+ offset len) 0)
+ (set! offset (+ offset len null-terminator-size))))
+ names)
+ table)))
+(define* (create-section-header-string-table #:optional (options '()))
+ (let ((null-terminator-size (or (assoc-ref options 'null-terminator-size) 1))
+ (section-names (or (assoc-ref options 'section-names)
+ '("" ".note.gnu.build-id" ".hash" ".dynsym" ".dynstr"
+ ".rela.dyn" ".text" ".eh_frame" ".dynamic" ".got"
+ ".got.plt" ".data" ".symtab" ".strtab" ".shstrtab"))))
+ (let* ((total-length (apply + (map (lambda (s) (+ (string-length s) null-terminator-size)) section-names)))
+ (table (make-bytevector total-length 0))
+ (offset 0))
+ (for-each (lambda (name)
+ (let ((len (string-length name)))
+ (bytevector-copy! (string->utf8 name) 0 table offset len)
+ (set! offset (+ offset len null-terminator-size))))
+ section-names)
+ table)))
+(define (string-table-offset name string-table)
+ (let loop ((offset 0))
+ (if (>= offset (bytevector-length string-table))
+ #f ; String not found
+ (if (string-match? name string-table offset)
+ offset
+ (loop (+ offset 1))))))
+(define (get-section-name-offset shstrtab section-name)
+ (string-table-offset section-name shstrtab))
+(define* (symbols->bytevector entries #:optional (options '()))
+ (let ((symbol-entry-size (or (assoc-ref options 'symbol-entry-size) 24))
+ (st-name-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'st-name-offset) 0))
+ (st-info-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'st-info-offset) 4))
+ (st-other-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'st-other-offset) 5))
+ (st-shndx-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'st-shndx-offset) 6))
+ (st-value-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'st-value-offset) 8))
+ (st-size-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'st-size-offset) 16))
+ (initial-string-offset (or (assoc-ref options 'initial-string-offset) 1))
+ (null-terminator-size (or (assoc-ref options 'null-terminator-size) 1)))
+ (let* ((table-size (* (length entries) symbol-entry-size))
+ (table (make-bytevector table-size 0))
+ (string-table-offset initial-string-offset))
+ (let loop ((entries entries)
+ (index 0)
+ (str-offset initial-string-offset))
+ (if (null? entries)
+ table
+ (let* ((entry (car entries))
+ (name (symbol->string (car entry)))
+ (address (cdr entry))
+ (entry-offset (* index symbol-entry-size)))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! table (+ entry-offset st-name-offset) str-offset (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u64-set! table (+ entry-offset st-value-offset) address (endianness little))
+ (loop (cdr entries)
+ (+ index 1)
+ (+ str-offset (string-length name) null-terminator-size))))))))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (symbol-table)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 hash-table)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (string-table)
+ #:export (make-symbol-table
+ add-symbol!
+ add-label-symbol!
+ get-symbol
+ symbol-in-table?
+ symbol-is-function?
+ create-symtab-and-strtab
+ create-dynsym-and-dynstr
+ create-hash-section
+ create-symbol-table
+ make-symbol-entry
+ symbol-entry-name
+ symbol-entry-address
+ create-version-section))
+(define-record-type <symbol-entry>
+ (make-symbol-entry name address info other shndx size)
+ symbol-entry?
+ (name symbol-entry-name)
+ (address symbol-entry-address)
+ (info symbol-entry-info)
+ (other symbol-entry-other)
+ (shndx symbol-entry-shndx)
+ (size symbol-entry-size))
+(define* (create-symbol-table symbol-addresses label-positions #:optional (options '()))
+ (let ((table (make-symbol-table)))
+ (add-symbols-to-table! table symbol-addresses add-symbol!)
+ (add-symbols-to-table! table (or label-positions '()) add-label-symbol!)
+ table))
+(define (string-trim-suffix str suffix)
+ (if (string-suffix? suffix str)
+ (substring str 0 (- (string-length str) (string-length suffix)))
+ str))
+(define (make-symbol-table)
+ (make-hash-table))
+(define (add-symbol! table name address)
+ (hash-set! table name (cons address #f)))
+(define (add-label-symbol! table name address)
+ (hash-set! table name (cons address #t)))
+(define (get-symbol table name)
+ (let ((entry (hash-ref table name #f)))
+ (and entry (car entry))))
+(define (symbol-in-table? table name)
+ (hash-ref table name #f))
+(define (symbol-is-function? table name)
+ (let ((entry (hash-ref table name #f)))
+ (and entry (cdr entry))))
+(define (add-symbols-to-table! table symbols add-func)
+ (if (hash-table? symbols)
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (name address)
+ (add-func table name address))
+ symbols)
+ (for-each (lambda (sym)
+ (add-func table (car sym) (cdr sym)))
+ symbols)))
+(define (calculate-string-table-size symbol-table)
+ (hash-fold
+ (lambda (key value acc)
+ (+ acc (string-length (symbol->string key)) 1))
+ 1 ; Start with 1 for the initial null byte
+ symbol-table))
+(define (write-initial-data string-table opts)
+ (let ((initial-offset (assoc-ref opts 'initial-string-offset)))
+ initial-offset))
+(define* (create-symtab-and-strtab symbol-addresses label-positions #:optional (options '()))
+ (define (merge-options default-options custom-options)
+ (append custom-options default-options))
+ (define (create-symbol-table addresses labels)
+ (let ((table (make-symbol-table)))
+ (add-symbols-to-table! table addresses add-symbol!)
+ (add-symbols-to-table! table (or labels '()) add-label-symbol!)
+ table))
+ (define (calculate-table-size symbol-table opts)
+ (let* ((symbol-entry-size (assoc-ref opts 'symbol-entry-size))
+ (symbol-count (+ (hash-count (const #t) symbol-table) 1))
+ (table-size (* symbol-count symbol-entry-size))
+ (string-table-size (calculate-string-table-size symbol-table)))
+ (cons table-size string-table-size)))
+ (define (initialize-table table-size string-table-size)
+ (cons (make-bytevector table-size 0)
+ (make-bytevector string-table-size 0)))
+ (define section-index-table
+ (alist->hash-table
+ '((".note.gnu.build-id" . 1)
+ (".hash" . 2)
+ (".dynsym" . 3)
+ (".dynstr" . 4)
+ (".rela.dyn" . 5)
+ (".text" . 6)
+ (".eh_frame" . 7)
+ (".dynamic" . 8)
+ (".got" . 9)
+ (".got.plt" . 10)
+ (".data" . 11)
+ (".symtab" . 12)
+ (".strtab" . 13)
+ (".shstrtab" . 14))))
+ (define (process-table symbol-table table string-table opts initial-str-offset symbol-addresses)
+ (let* ((symbols (hash-map->list cons symbol-table))
+ (sorted-symbols
+ (sort symbols
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (let ((name-a (symbol->string (car a)))
+ (name-b (symbol->string (car b)))
+ (index-a (list-index (lambda (addr) (equal? (car addr) (car a))) symbol-addresses))
+ (index-b (list-index (lambda (addr) (equal? (car addr) (car b))) symbol-addresses)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq? (string-contains name-a "@LOCAL")
+ (string-contains name-b "@LOCAL"))
+ (cond
+ ((and index-a index-b) (< index-a index-b))
+ (index-a #t)
+ (index-b #f)
+ (else (string<? name-a name-b))))
+ ((string-contains name-a "@LOCAL") #t)
+ (else #f)))))))
+ (let loop ((symbols sorted-symbols)
+ (index 1)
+ (str-offset initial-str-offset))
+ (if (null? symbols)
+ (cons table string-table)
+ (let* ((symbol (car symbols))
+ (name (symbol->string (car symbol)))
+ (value (cdr symbol))
+ (address (car value))
+ (is-function (cdr value))
+ (is-local (string-contains name "@LOCAL"))
+ (is-section (char=? (string-ref name 0) #\.))
+ (is-dynamic (equal? name "_DYNAMIC@LOCAL"))
+ (is-got-local (equal? name "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_@LOCAL"))
+ (clean-name (if is-local
+ (string-trim-suffix name "@LOCAL")
+ name))
+ (name-bytes (string->utf8 clean-name)))
+ (let* ((stb-value (if is-local
+ (assoc-ref opts 'stb-local)
+ (assoc-ref opts 'stb-global)))
+ (stt-func (assoc-ref opts 'stt-func))
+ (stt-object (assoc-ref opts 'stt-object))
+ (stt-section (assoc-ref opts 'stt-section))
+ (shn-text (assoc-ref opts 'shn-text))
+ (shn-data (assoc-ref opts 'shn-data))
+ (shn-dynamic (assoc-ref opts 'shn-dynamic))
+ (stt-notype (assoc-ref opts 'stt-notype))
+ (shn-got-local 10)
+ (null-terminator-size (assoc-ref opts 'null-terminator-size))
+ (symbol-entry-size (assoc-ref opts 'symbol-entry-size))
+ (section-index (if is-section
+ (hash-ref section-index-table clean-name 0)
+ (cond
+ (is-got-local shn-got-local)
+ (is-dynamic shn-dynamic)
+ (is-function shn-text)
+ (else shn-data))))
+ (symbol-type (cond
+ (is-section stt-section)
+ (is-function stt-notype)
+ ((or (string=? clean-name "_DYNAMIC")
+ (string=? clean-name "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_"))
+ stt-object)
+ (else stt-notype)))
+ (entry (make-symbol-entry str-offset address
+ (logior (ash stb-value 4)
+ symbol-type)
+ 0
+ section-index
+ (if is-function 0 0)))
+ (entry-offset (* index symbol-entry-size)))
+ (bytevector-copy! name-bytes 0 string-table str-offset (bytevector-length name-bytes))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! string-table (+ str-offset (bytevector-length name-bytes)) 0)
+ (write-symbol-entry! table entry-offset opts entry)
+ (loop (cdr symbols)
+ (+ index 1)
+ (+ str-offset (bytevector-length name-bytes) null-terminator-size))))))))
+ (let* ((default-options '((symbol-entry-size . 24)
+ (st-name-offset . 0)
+ (st-info-offset . 4)
+ (st-other-offset . 5)
+ (st-shndx-offset . 6)
+ (st-value-offset . 8)
+ (st-size-offset . 16)
+ (null-terminator-size . 1)
+ (initial-string-offset . 1)
+ (stt-notype . 0)
+ (stt-object . 1)
+ (stt-func . 2)
+ (stt-section . 3)
+ (stb-global . 1)
+ (stb-local . 0)
+ (shn-data . 11)
+ (shn-text . 6)
+ (shn-dynamic . 8)))
+ (opts (merge-options default-options options))
+ (symbol-table (create-symbol-table symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (symbol-sizes (calculate-table-size symbol-table opts))
+ (symbol-tables (initialize-table (car symbol-sizes) (cdr symbol-sizes)))
+ (symbol-table-bytevector (car symbol-tables))
+ (symbol-string-table (cdr symbol-tables))
+ (initial-str-offset (write-initial-data symbol-string-table opts)))
+ (write-symbol-entry! symbol-table-bytevector 0 opts (make-symbol-entry 0 0 0 0 0 0))
+ (process-table symbol-table symbol-table-bytevector symbol-string-table opts initial-str-offset symbol-addresses)))
+(define* (create-dynsym-and-dynstr dynamic-symbol-addresses
+ #:optional (label-positions '()) (options '()))
+ (define (merge-options default-options custom-options)
+ (append custom-options default-options))
+ (define (create-symbol-table addresses labels)
+ (let ((table (make-symbol-table)))
+ (add-symbols-to-table! table addresses add-symbol!)
+ (add-symbols-to-table! table (or labels '()) add-label-symbol!)
+ table))
+ (define (calculate-table-size symbol-table opts)
+ (let* ((symbol-entry-size (assoc-ref opts 'symbol-entry-size))
+ (symbol-count (+ (hash-count (const #t) symbol-table) 1))
+ (table-size (* symbol-count symbol-entry-size))
+ (string-table-size (calculate-string-table-size symbol-table)))
+ (cons table-size string-table-size)))
+ (define (initialize-table table-size string-table-size)
+ (cons (make-bytevector table-size 0)
+ (make-bytevector string-table-size 0)))
+ (define (process-table symbol-table table string-table opts initial-str-offset dynamic-symbol-addresses)
+ (let* ((symbols (hash-map->list cons symbol-table))
+ (sorted-symbols
+ (sort symbols
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (let ((name-a (symbol->string (car a)))
+ (name-b (symbol->string (car b)))
+ (index-a (list-index (lambda (addr) (equal? (car addr) (car a))) dynamic-symbol-addresses))
+ (index-b (list-index (lambda (addr) (equal? (car addr) (car b))) dynamic-symbol-addresses)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Both local or both global, sort by original order
+ ((eq? (string-contains name-a "@LOCAL")
+ (string-contains name-b "@LOCAL"))
+ (cond
+ ((and index-a index-b) (< index-a index-b))
+ (index-a #t)
+ (index-b #f)
+ (else (string<? name-a name-b)))) ; fallback to alphabetical order
+ ;; a is local, b is global
+ ((string-contains name-a "@LOCAL") #t)
+ ;; a is global, b is local
+ (else #f)))))))
+ (let loop ((symbols sorted-symbols)
+ (index 1)
+ (str-offset initial-str-offset))
+ (if (null? symbols)
+ (cons table string-table)
+ (let* ((symbol (car symbols))
+ (name (symbol->string (car symbol)))
+ (value (cdr symbol))
+ (address (car value))
+ (is-function (cdr value))
+ (is-local (string-contains name "@LOCAL"))
+ (clean-name (if is-local
+ (string-trim-suffix name "@LOCAL")
+ name))
+ (name-bytes (string->utf8 clean-name))
+ (entry (make-symbol-entry str-offset address
+ (logior (ash (if is-local
+ (assoc-ref opts 'stb-local)
+ (assoc-ref opts 'stb-global))
+ 4)
+ (if is-function
+ (assoc-ref opts 'stt-notype)
+ (assoc-ref opts 'stt-notype)))
+ 0
+ (if is-function
+ (assoc-ref opts 'shn-text)
+ (assoc-ref opts 'shn-data))
+ (if is-function 0 0)))
+ (entry-offset (* index (assoc-ref opts 'symbol-entry-size))))
+ (bytevector-copy! name-bytes 0 string-table str-offset (bytevector-length name-bytes))
+ (bytevector-u8-set! string-table (+ str-offset (bytevector-length name-bytes)) 0)
+ (write-symbol-entry! table entry-offset opts entry)
+ (loop (cdr symbols)
+ (+ index 1)
+ (+ str-offset (bytevector-length name-bytes) (assoc-ref opts 'null-terminator-size))))))))
+ (let* ((default-options '((symbol-entry-size . 24)
+ (st-name-offset . 0)
+ (st-info-offset . 4)
+ (st-other-offset . 5)
+ (st-shndx-offset . 6)
+ (st-value-offset . 8)
+ (st-size-offset . 16)
+ (null-terminator-size . 1)
+ (initial-string-offset . 1)
+ (stt-notype . 0)
+ (stt-object . 1)
+ (stt-func . 2)
+ (stb-global . 1)
+ (stb-local . 0)
+ (shn-data . 11)
+ (shn-text . 6)))
+ (opts (merge-options default-options options))
+ (dynamic-symbol-table (create-symbol-table dynamic-symbol-addresses label-positions))
+ (dynamic-sizes (calculate-table-size dynamic-symbol-table opts))
+ (dynamic-tables (initialize-table (car dynamic-sizes) (cdr dynamic-sizes)))
+ (dynamic-table-bytevector (car dynamic-tables))
+ (dynamic-string-table (cdr dynamic-tables))
+ (dynamic-initial-str-offset (write-initial-data dynamic-string-table opts)))
+ (write-symbol-entry! dynamic-table-bytevector 0 opts (make-symbol-entry 0 0 0 0 0 0))
+ (process-table dynamic-symbol-table dynamic-table-bytevector dynamic-string-table opts dynamic-initial-str-offset dynamic-symbol-addresses)))
+(define (write-symbol-entry! table entry-offset opts entry)
+ (define (write-field offset size value)
+ (case size
+ ((1) (bytevector-u8-set! table (+ entry-offset offset) value))
+ ((2) (bytevector-u16-set! table (+ entry-offset offset) value (endianness little)))
+ ((4) (bytevector-u32-set! table (+ entry-offset offset) value (endianness little)))
+ ((8) (bytevector-u64-set! table (+ entry-offset offset) value (endianness little)))))
+ (write-field (assoc-ref opts 'st-name-offset) 4 (symbol-entry-name entry))
+ (write-field (assoc-ref opts 'st-info-offset) 1 (symbol-entry-info entry))
+ (write-field (assoc-ref opts 'st-other-offset) 1 (symbol-entry-other entry))
+ (write-field (assoc-ref opts 'st-shndx-offset) 2 (symbol-entry-shndx entry))
+ (write-field (assoc-ref opts 'st-value-offset) 8 (symbol-entry-address entry))
+ (write-field (assoc-ref opts 'st-size-offset) 8 (symbol-entry-size entry)))
+(define (ash n k)
+ (if (>= k 0)
+ (* n (expt 2 k)) ; Left shift
+ (quotient n (expt 2 (- k))))) ; Right shift
+(define (arithmetic-shift n k)
+ (if (>= k 0)
+ (ash n k) ; Left shift
+ (let ((m (ash 1 (- k)))) ; Right shift
+ (if (>= n 0)
+ (quotient n m)
+ (- (quotient (+ n 1) m) 1)))))
+(define* (create-hash-section dynsym-table dynstr-table #:optional (options '()))
+ (let* ((opts (append options '((hash-header-size . 8)
+ (hash-entry-size . 4)
+ (symbol-entry-size . 24))))
+ (symbol-count (/ (bytevector-length dynsym-table) (assoc-ref opts 'symbol-entry-size)))
+ (nbucket (next-prime (max 1 (min symbol-count 3)))) ; Adjust bucket count
+ (nchain symbol-count)
+ (hash-size (+ (assoc-ref opts 'hash-header-size)
+ (* (assoc-ref opts 'hash-entry-size) (+ nbucket nchain))))
+ (hash-section (make-bytevector hash-size 0))
+ (buckets (make-vector nbucket 0))
+ (chains (make-vector nchain 0)))
+ ; Write number of buckets and chains
+ (bytevector-u32-set! hash-section 0 nbucket (endianness little))
+ (bytevector-u32-set! hash-section 4 nchain (endianness little))
+ ; Hash each symbol and add to appropriate bucket
+ (let loop ((i 1)) ; Start from 1 to skip the null symbol
+ (when (< i symbol-count)
+ (let* ((name (get-symbol-name dynsym-table dynstr-table i))
+ (hash (elf-hash name))
+ (bucket (modulo hash nbucket))
+ (chain-index (vector-ref buckets bucket)))
+ (if (= chain-index 0)
+ (vector-set! buckets bucket i)
+ (let chain-loop ((prev chain-index))
+ (if (= (vector-ref chains prev) 0)
+ (vector-set! chains prev i)
+ (chain-loop (vector-ref chains prev)))))
+ (vector-set! chains i 0))
+ (loop (+ i 1))))
+ ; Write bucket array
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (when (< i nbucket)
+ (bytevector-u32-set! hash-section
+ (+ (assoc-ref opts 'hash-header-size)
+ (* (assoc-ref opts 'hash-entry-size) i))
+ (vector-ref buckets i)
+ (endianness little))
+ (loop (+ i 1))))
+ ; Write chain array
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (when (< i nchain)
+ (bytevector-u32-set! hash-section
+ (+ (assoc-ref opts 'hash-header-size)
+ (* (assoc-ref opts 'hash-entry-size) nbucket)
+ (* (assoc-ref opts 'hash-entry-size) i))
+ (vector-ref chains i)
+ (endianness little))
+ (loop (+ i 1))))
+ hash-section))
+; Helper function to get symbol name from dynsym and dynstr tables
+(define (get-symbol-name dynsym-table dynstr-table index)
+ (let* ((entry-offset (* index 24)) ; 24-byte entries in dynsym
+ (name-offset (bytevector-u32-ref dynsym-table entry-offset (endianness little))))
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (if (zero? (bytevector-u8-ref dynstr-table (+ name-offset i)))
+ (utf8->string (bytevector-slice dynstr-table name-offset (+ name-offset i)))
+ (loop (+ i 1))))))
+(define (elf-hash name)
+ (let loop ((h 0) (chars (string->list name)))
+ (if (null? chars)
+ h
+ (let* ((h (logand #xffffffff (+ (arithmetic-shift h 4) (char->integer (car chars)))))
+ (g (logand h #xf0000000)))
+ (loop (logand #xffffffff (logxor (logand h (lognot g)) (arithmetic-shift g -24)))
+ (cdr chars))))))
+; Helper function to find the next prime number (unchanged)
+(define (next-prime n)
+ (let loop ((i (if (even? n) (+ n 1) n)))
+ (if (prime? i)
+ i
+ (loop (+ i 2)))))
+; Helper function to check if a number is prime (unchanged)
+(define (prime? n)
+ (if (< n 2)
+ #f
+ (let loop ((i 2))
+ (cond ((> (* i i) n) #t)
+ ((zero? (modulo n i)) #f)
+ (else (loop (+ i 1)))))))
+; Helper function to slice a bytevector (unchanged)
+(define (bytevector-slice bv start end)
+ (let* ((length (- end start))
+ (result (make-bytevector length)))
+ (bytevector-copy! bv start result 0 length)
+ result))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Copyright (C) 2023 Vouivre Digital Corporation
+;;;; This file is part of Vouivre.
+;;;; Vouivre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; Vouivre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;;;; License along with Vouivre. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (utils)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:export (align-to
+ bytevector-append))
+(define (align-to value alignment)
+ (* (ceiling (/ value alignment)) alignment))
+; Add this definition near the top of the file, after the module definition
+(define (bytevector-append . bvs)
+ (let* ((total-length (apply + (map bytevector-length bvs)))
+ (result (make-bytevector total-length)))
+ (let loop ((offset 0)
+ (bvs bvs))
+ (if (null? bvs)
+ result
+ (let ((bv (car bvs)))
+ (bytevector-copy! bv 0 result offset (bytevector-length bv))
+ (loop (+ offset (bytevector-length bv)) (cdr bvs)))))))